How to get there?

taxis (from 5 to 9 seats), they generally leave from the taxi station, but it is also possible to take along the way. Prices are negotiated with the driver before departure (ask before because prices are more or less set for long and medium distances). There are no timetables for taxis, departure occurs when the car is full.


mini buses, same operating as taxis but which may contain 10 to 20 passengers.


coaches, for long distances prefer coaches to taxis. Schedules are defined, the seating guarantee, air conditioning (depending on the companies) and fixed prices. Several private bus companies travel around the country. The most reliable of the moment are ATT and buses fromLa Poste. Other bus companies are Tunde,Confort Lines, and Pax Express. Possibility to book your seat before departure (24 hours before). In Cotonou, each company has its own bus station. In other cities, they are sometimes grouped together on a single site.


Since December 2014, a new transport company connects Parakou with Tanguieta, BAOBAB EXPRESS SA.

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